Many people all over the world are dealing with unemployment caused by Covid-19. This scene significantly impacts the mental health of those affected. Laying off workers, cutting down salaries and closing businesses have become the norms.
Some people never expected it to happen that fast or for this long. Most of them are not even prepared financially, emotionally, and mentally for they are living from paycheck to paycheck.
Whether it is a temporary or a permanent job loss, it is still a heavy burden to bear which causes a lot of employees to fall into stress, depression, and anxiety. Studies suggest that there is a strong connection between unemployment and mental health.
Unemployment defines security, purpose, and stability of a person and without it, it is possible that it will create an emotional and mental trauma. It can easily bring down a person’s confidence, hope and dream.
You may be experiencing job loss now and are feeling weak on the knees to stand up again and start from the beginning. It is normal to feel lost and worried at these times because you have bills to pay and families to feed. However, this does not mean that this is the end of everything. Here are healthy ways to deal with unemployment and mental health issues especially during Covid-19 pandemic.
How to deal with unemployment and mental health issues?
1. Accept the situation.
The fastest way for you to be okay is to accept that you are unemployed – as of this time. This does not have to be final. Maybe this is the beginning of something great. You have to be aware that job loss is just temporary. The place you are working in for months or even years can be replaced with a better opportunity. Or when all is well, you will be back in your workplace. This is the best time for you to assess yourself to be even better for the next company you will be working for soon.
You do not have to be hard on yourself. It is not your fault that this is happening. Even the biggest companies in the world must deal with the economic turmoil brought by the pandemic.
Give yourself time to grieve and adjust. Your job is your identity and it is understandable that you are down and angry after losing it. But do not give it all your time.
You must cleanse your mind from negative thoughts. If it gives you peace, know that you lost your job not because you perform poorly but because of the pandemic.
2. Ask for support from your family.
Unemployment and its effect on mental health can end up in a bad light if there is not enough support and understanding from the family. If you are the breadwinner, you must talk with your spouse and children about the major setback they will experience. You must speak to them honestly and make them understand that you feel sad not because of losing the job but of losing a stable way of giving them a bright future.
It is now the time to re-evaluate your expenses as a family. Even if there are strict preventive measures and restrictions on travel and social gathering, which can save you hundreds of dollars, there is still a constant outflow of expenses like bills, mortgage, and food. You may have to work together as a unit and decide the best ways to lower your monthly expenses.
Being with your family is the best place to be during pandemic. They give you comfort and love. They inspire you to try again and not dwell on anything bad. Your unemployment may give you hopelessness, but your family gives you the will to dream on.
One way that can surely help everyone is to avail on psychological services such as family therapy. This will really make a difference on how you and family perceive this challenge. It is not just you who is adjusting to this change but also your spouse and children.
3. Be productive.
Unemployment and mental health are interlinked because your mind is in idle and constantly blaming yourself on the situation. While waiting for a job opportunity, redefine yourself. You do not have to make excuses anymore in pursuing your hobbies and interests. Awaken your inner Martha Stewart and start doing arts and crafts with your children. Treat your family with your sumptuous cooking or to your melodious voice. You can even learn a new language or unlock a new skill through tutorial videos.
In this trying time, you know you are not alone in dealing with unemployment and mental health issues during the pandemic. There are a ton of people who are in the same position and feeling the same emotions as yours. You can use this time to reach out to these people and create a group that will help and strengthen each other. You can volunteer in different organizations that seek to give support to those who are heavily affected in this pandemic.
The important thing here is to occupy yourself with productive ways to stay focused and positive.
4. Take care of your health.
Eating well nourishes your body and mind to be healthy. Food has an impact on your mood. Eating junks and too many sweets, for example, will make you feel heavy and bloated all the time, projecting a negative vibe. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. Eat your greens and eat more food rich in Omega-3 fatty acids to boost your mood.
Get enough sleep and exercise regularly to increase your energy level. This gives you the stamina to be productive and efficient with your daily tasks. You can also start doing meditation, yoga and deep breathing to eradicate those blues.
Mindshift Psychological Services have meditation videos to help relax and exercise your mind.
Looking good and being at your best gives you more confidence to move forward. Your unemployment and mental health issues will be just a thing in the past as you continue to journey your life with focus and positivity. It gives you the desire to take risks in your career like applying for that managerial position or finally having the guts to send stories and poems to an online magazine.
5. Talk to someone.
When nothing seems to uplift your spirit and mood, talk to someone who will listen to you and validate your feelings. The downside of talking to a family member or to a close friend about your unemployment is that you feel ashamed and inadequate.
You just wish that there will be someone who is trained to overlook your responsibilities and expectations in life and just heed your desire to be okay in this situation. Getting therapy near me or talking to a professional is a big and helpful step to make sense out of everything.
Mindshift Psychological Services, a perfect place for therapy near me, has an array of professionals that will help you deal and understand your situation. They provide top-of-the-line mental health services such as Individual Psychotherapy and Group Therapy near me for residents in Riverside, California, Corona, California and Los Angeles, California.
These days, unemployment and mental health issues are openly discussed. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Talking about these issues allows you to be kind to yourself.
Contact us at (714) 584 9700 or schedule an appointment today!