Milan’s treatment is comparable to Structural Therapy in that it sees the family as a single framework. Family individuals are empowered to tune in and react carefully to one another.
As the title implies, it permits therapists and family members to use a more hands-on approach to conflict by identifying patterns inside the family. This type of family counseling treats the family as individuals, encourages and empowers each family member, and improves self-esteem. This is the most individualistic form of Family therapy. It also concentrates on the conflicts that emerge between distinctive generations. This modality states that the familial clashes are due to contrasts between generational behaviors and desires.
BFT is best suited for situations in which individuals cannot or do not want to involve other family members in the treatment, whether it’s in-person sessions or family therapy telehealth appointments. Bowenian Therapy is built on two core concepts: differentiation (learning to become less emotionally reactive in family relationships) and triangulation (the natural tendency to vent or distress by talking to a third party).
This therapy focuses on adjusting and strengthening the family system to ensure that the parents are in control and that both children and adults set appropriate boundaries. In Structural Family Therapy, the therapist “joins” the family in order to observe, learn, and enhance their ability to help the family strengthen their relationships.
The Systemic model focuses on the unconscious communications and meanings behind family members’ behaviors. The therapist in this type of family counseling is neutral and distant, allowing the family members to dive deeper into their problems and issues as a family.
If you’re looking for homework, this is the treatment for you! This form of therapy is more direct and, hence, brief than the others. This homework is intended to change the way family members interact by assessing and adjusting the way the family communicates and makes decisions. The therapist takes the position of power in this type of therapy, which allows other family members who may not usually hold as much power to communicate more effectively.
The focus is for family members to improve the interactions and communication between the family. Whether you choose in-person family counseling in Corona, CA, or family therapy telehealth sessions, your therapist is there to support the family as they work through their challenges and reach their goal. Also, your therapist will encourage each family member to talk about their experiences and to listen to each other. If you would like to improve your family relationship, please give us a call. We are here to help and support you.
Give us a call at (714) 584-9700 to get started today!