10 Ways to Help a Loved One Overcome a Bad Consumption Habit

Consumption Habit

Seeing your loved one slowly losing his or her self to bad consumption habit is both painful and traumatic. No one wants to experience the difficulty of dealing with this kind of problem. But they need the help and support from the people around them to overcome drug habit.

Most times, they do not see that their consumption habit has become the source of problems and unhappiness in the family. They know that what they are doing is wrong but they see it as harmless, just for fun or just a way to cope with another problem.

How to help overcome their bad consumption Habit?

Bad Consumption Habit

The road to healing and wellness is not a smooth one. This is something that you need to know. No matter how prepared you think you are there will always be bumps and potholes along the way. You must learn how to be more level headed, patient and understanding.

1. Learn about bad consumption habit.

Educate yourself first to understand harmful consumption habit and its effects to the mind and body. It does not only affect the body but it also alters how the brain and other body organs function. You can also read about other people’s experiences in dealing with it. It is always better to arm yourself with knowledge so that you can gradually interpret their actions and words.

2. Get support from other members of the family.

Helping a loved one overcome drug habit calls for team effort. You cannot do it all alone. You need the support and guidance of everybody. Before doing anything, inform other family members that you need to work together to resolve this problem. Everyone should be in the same boat as you.

3. Establish trust and confidence.

If it is a family member or a close friend, make sure that you do not do anything that will make them hate you. In their state of mind, they are sensitive, they easily doubt, get angry and sad. Always make them feel that you are someone they can confide and trust. They must be aware that everyone wants them to be okay and well.

4. Give your support but do not enable it.

When they are working on being better, support and give them encouragement. Show to them that you are willing to extend a helping hand whenever they fall. As much as you want to protect them, do not cover up the lies they tell or make excuses for their rude behavior. They must know that you will never tolerate any deeds and decisions that will make them more dependent on illegal substances.

5. Avoid offering them financial help.

Most people with drug habit always have problems with money. This habit is expensive and they want to have more money to support their family and pay up for their addiction. Never give in to their pleas about money. Some of them use their spouses and children just to gain sympathy from others. If you want to help them, draw a boundary when it comes to financial matters.  

6. Do not nag, lecture or yell.

Trying to overcome a bad habit is not easy. It is not just any habit that you can drop any time without consequences like nail biting or swearing. Their body and mind are going through dramatic and major changes and you will witness how ugly and unpleasant it is. You have to control yourself and not to constantly nag, yell or lecture them every time they relapse.

7. Take care of yourself.

Helping them overcome harmful consumption habit is an admirable and brave act. It takes a high level of courage to take on this challenging task. However, do not let this ruin you. If you need help, ask for help. If you want to take a breather, give yourself that luxury. Make sure that you are not neglecting your physical and mental health.

8. Expect resistance and denial.

It is hard to admit to themselves that they need help and letting other people take the lead can be humbling. Prepare for some episodes of arguments and denials because they are going through something big and emotional. They are not always in the mood for a sincere conversation or a friendly face. You need to learn when to take a step back to let them be or to completely take charge.

9. Encourage them to get help.

When you have done everything in your power to make them quit but still there is no progress, it is time to let the professionals in to help. Be honest with them and tell them what the best way to get better is. They may resist the idea of a therapist because it is awkward and uncomfortable but you need to convince them.

10. Get involved in their therapy or recovery.

Going to a therapy near me can be terrifying especially if they feel alone. Hold their hands and assure them of your love, care and support. Be there during their sessions. Get involved in the treatment program. Ask questions on how you can support them at home.

Where to ask help?

Residents in Riverside, California, Corona, California and Los Angeles, California can visit Mindshift Psychological Services for drug habit intervention programs. Their group of medical professionals is trained to handle different types of patients that are dealing with consumption abuse.

They handle all types of individuals with mental health problems including those who are depressed, traumatized and abused. Check their website for more information or contact them at (714) 584-9700.