Effective Mental Health Wellness Tips for Quarantine

Effective Mental Health Wellness Tips for Quarantine

Quarantine is one of the most immediate solutions for staying safe during the pandemic. However, it does not prevail without side-effects, particularly to mental health. Quarantine measures are observed to protect not only others but also, and most importantly, yourself. Thus, it is only right that you mitigate its negative psychological impacts on your well-being using available means like counseling, therapy, and even self-help wellness tips.

At home quarantine

Quarantine can be a source of positivity and healing.

Why Should I be Concerned About my Mental Health During Quarantine?

According to a recent study published at Lancet, the quarantine period inevitably carries along with a number of stressors. These include:

  • Infection anxiety
  • Inadequate supplies
  • Frustration
  • Stigma
  • Unresponsive agencies
  • Financial loss
  • Boredom

These stressors can eventually trigger the psychological effects:

  • Anger
  • Confusion
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Constant agitation 
  • Anxiety

Effective Mental Health Wellness Tips for Quarantine

It goes without saying that quarantine, alongside social distancing, self-isolation, and all other forms of preventive isolation, are serious environmental changes. While quarantine is necessary and inevitable, its negative psychological impacts can be avoided and relieved, if you follow our effective mental health wellness tips for quarantine. Here are our tips:

Work and Invest in a Project

When we say “invest”, it should not immediately involve money. Look for inspiration for projects online where you can spend your free time, versus being stuck watching Netflix for a fourth time that day. Find home improvement projects you have been putting off, cooking projects, musical projects, or anything else that at one point in your life you considered to yourself something you would do one day. Such as learning to play the guitar, learning another language, learning to cook better, etc. Now is your time to do what you have been putting off and take up a new project.

Maintain a Routine or Anything that Requires Repetitive Movements

A recent study suggests that doing repetitive movements or routines like sewing, knitting, painting, piano-playing, and other exercises that especially involve left-right brain functions relax the mind. What makes these routines even more substantial is the fact that they exercise the body. In addition to that, these routines maintain rhythm. Rhythm, in turn, conditions your mind that things are within control. The loss of control, on the other hand, triggers anxiety. Other routines include singing, dancing, unplanned (but safe activities), going out at least once a day for a safe 30-minute stroll, eating healthy and drinking plenty of water, sweating it out, etc.

Express through Art; Be Creative

Look for opportunities to express your creativity. If you can’t find one online, or if you’re not that comfortable with other people, just pull out your canvas, brush and paint and create something beautiful. You can also put on your jazz pants, play your favorite dancing music, and dance. Sing your favorite song if you must. Join an online theater workshop or anything else you creatively crave. As they say, art is therapy. 

Avoid Toxic People and Engagements

Pay yourself a favor and avoid toxic people, engagements, and environments. Do not feel guilty about it. You have every right to do so. While it is selfish, it is not wrong. If it so happens that the source of toxicity is social media, like it is for so many, mitigate your usage. But before you ditch these toxic elements, it is important that you’re able to recognize the red flags. Here are potential red flags:

  • Conversations, entertainment mediums, people, events or certain feelings that make you feel bad, self-conscious of judged
  • Activities that are counter-productive
  • Events, engagements, conversations, activities, etc. that constantly make you feel guilty
  • People, work, events, or environments that trigger negative feelings in you

Talk to Someone

Call a friend or anyone you trust. You can even call a family member. Talk to them and express your thoughts. Do not hesitate in doing so. After all, these are people to whom you entrust your life to. Regardless of feeling bothered, happy, or silly, learn to talk it out. Everyone is in a similar situation so it is mutually beneficial for both parties to have a good conversation.

Seek Help

Always feel free to seek help. There is help online including counseling experts, mental health intervention centers, therapy session sites, etc. Give these websites a visit or a call and expect a prompt response. Check out our list of mental health organizations in the U.S. here. 

Final Recommendation:

The quarantine period, while intended to keep you and other people safe from the virus, can also be mentally daunting. Though, you have control and can mitigate its effects. If you take into account our effective mental health wellness tips for quarantine, we’re sure to embark on the right path. You can do it!


These health & wellness tips for quarantine can effectively keep you productive even in isolation. 

Thrive During Quarantine by Being Mindful of Your Mental Wellness
If you interested in seeking out some peace and understanding contact us at MindShift Psychological Services. Chat with our trained therapists and psychologists and build a solid support system via Family TherapyIndividual Therapy, and  Couples Counseling. Take a step-by-step approach to mitigating the negative psychological impact that comes with quarantine.