The biggest challenge with postpartum depression among mothers is that many people do not seem to take it as a serious mental health issue. Sad to say until now, there are still spouses and family members who ignore depressed mothers. They perceived their being sad and moody after giving birth as normal.
Postpartum depression is common among new mothers. It comes as mild depression or “baby blues” at first but gradually it is likely to blow up into a much more serious mental health issue. But there is one thing that gives comfort to all mothers: it can be treated.
What to do when you are a new mother?
As a new mother, your plate is always full with all the duties and responsibilities at home, in the community or at work. It is hard to manage your time. There is no time to pause and evaluate your health and wellness. Sometimes, mothers tend to forget themselves just to give all to their children.
After giving birth, try figuring out what to do with your wellbeing. Never let motherhood consume every inch of you that you end up feeling anxious and depressed.
1. Get enough sleep.
Most mothers feel guilty of taking a nap or getting enough sleep when having a newborn baby. Your body and brain need the time to relax and not think of anything else. You deserve a break because your child needs you at your most fit and healthy state.
Based on a report, mothers who lack sleep are likely to have depressive symptoms. This is why you need to sneak in as much rest as possible. You and your spouse or any family member can take turns in watching the baby. But if you are alone, the best thing to do is sleep when the baby is sleeping.
With enough rest and sleep, you are more energized and happier in doing all your responsibilities. You are in a better mood. You will be a better mother.
2. Maintain a healthy diet.
You have heard this plenty of times. You may be eating but the question will always be: are you eating healthily? Your body needs all the nutrients from food especially if you are breastfeeding and still recovering from childbirth.
You are not eating for two now but you are nourishing your body so that you have the energy to take care of your little one. Even if you indulge unhealthy cravings, make sure that you are getting more of your sustenance from healthy food.
Foods rich in vitamins and minerals and protein like lean meats, eggs and beans will help your body recover from childbirth. Whether you are breastfeeding or not, take your daily dose of supplements of calcium and iron. You can munch on fruits and vegetables for your snacks.
Drink water, milk and fruit juice. Limit yourself from consuming too much sugar, salt and saturated fats.
3. Do exercise routines.
Slowly reintroduce exercise to your body. Remember that your body is still recovering so you have to do routines that are easy. Physical activities can help reduce symptoms of postpartum depression among women. Exercising is the least concern of many mothers but this is one thing that needs to be prioritized to keep yourself alert, healthy and happy.
Move your body even for just 15 minutes. You can do stretching exercises or cardio exercises that you know will not stress out your body. If you want to do complicated exercises, consult your doctor. You need your doctor’s go signal to avoid any injuries or complications.
If you want more fun and interesting physical activities, you try dancing, yoga or Pilates. There are videos you can check online.
4. Resist the urge of feeling down.
New mothers have a higher tendency of getting depressed because of their hormones. So it is normal that once in a while they feel sad and want to be alone. If you notice that you are on the edge of feeling sad, do something right away that will occupy your mind.
Step away from situations that will bring you down like watching sad movies or listening to songs that will remind you of unpleasant events. Avoid watching depressing news. Instead, fill your time by bonding with your newborn, doing your hobbies, talking with someone or even go shopping.
5. Attend therapy.
Do not wait for your symptoms to get worse before asking for medical help. Even if you think you do not need it, it is still helpful and healthier to attend therapy near me and counseling sessions for new mothers. This way, you know what to expect and what the possible effects of childbirth are.
Mindshift Psychological Services knows the hardships each mother has to face in rearing a newborn. Taking care of a baby takes a toll on their physical and mental health. This is why postpartum depression among mothers should not be left ignored and untreated.
Depression therapy near me helps new mothers in handling stress and demands of motherhood. They are taught how to deal with unexpected situations without compensating their mental health.
Among their helpful therapy sessions are Family therapy near me, Psychotherapy for Individuals and Couples. If you want to know more about their medical services, visit their website or contact them at (714) 584-9700.