What To Do When You Are Angry at Your Partner
When you’re in a relationship, it can be quite challenging to stay pleasant and kind to your partner all the time. You can’t help but feel frustrated and angry when you’re arguing or fighting. But this is just a norm in all relationships. Naturally, no one likes it, but experts say it is one way […]
How to Control your Anger
Feeling angry is a normal human emotion. This becomes a problem when you do it excessively until you can no longer control it. Anger management disorder is a real….
Tackling Anger Management Disorder
Anger is a normal feeling and reaction whenever you feel threatened or offended. However, it advances to a mental disorder when it becomes excessive and uncontrollable. Anger management disorder….
How to Live Life with a Forgiving Heart
Forgiveness is not easily given out to people who deeply hurt you. It is neither demanded nor forced. It should be given freely by a forgiving heart that chooses….
Mental Health in the Workplace
For many of us, we form a stable relationship with work and our workplace becomes our second home. It is a major part of our lives, where we spend most….
What Is the Best Therapy for Anger Management?
Do you ever feel like you are going to explode with rage? Do you say things you regret later out of anger? Maybe you reacted too quickly in the heat….