The Struggles of Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder

Alcoholism, now known as alcohol use disorder, affects 53.1 million Americans. This is a disorder that is difficult to recognize and diagnose. As a matter of fact, not all….

Dealing with a Long-term Physical Illness

Longterm Physical Illness

Staying healthy is always a priority, especially these days. No one wants to hear that they are sick, especially if they have to deal with this physical illness in….

Helpful Tips for Parents of LGBTQ+ Teens

Parents of LGBTQ+ Teens

Parents of LGBTQ+ teens know that coming into terms of their sexual orientation is not an easy journey. It is a life-changing decision that requires a whole level of….

Coming Out as LGBTQ+ to Your Family

LGBTQ+ Family

Just like anyone who is struggling in finding out their sexual orientation, being honest and coming out as LGBTQ+ to your family is probably one of the hardest things….

5 Ways on Overcoming Gender Stereotypes

Gender stereotypes

Gender stereotypes are still happening to this day. Society sets different levels of expectations and demands from males and females. Males are expected to be a responsible father, a….

Struggles of Empowered Women

Empowered Women

Over the years, women fight for their rights, beliefs, and position in society. It was a long and daunting journey but eventually, women have achieved the freedom and the….

Becoming a Better Single Parent

Better single parent

Single parents are the living proof that no matter what happens, everything becomes easy if it is for the sake of the children. Being parents is never easy and….

Frustrations of a Single Parent

Frustration of single parent

There are no jobs in the world busier and more jam packed than that of a single parent. Being one is double the hard work and commitment. These days….